Highway Tunis / Medjez El Beb / Oued Zarga Lot n ° 3 CH.906
- Contract amount: 53,554,114,104 TND
- Work execution time: 30 months
- Client: Tunisian highway
Consistency of the work
This is all the works necessary for the construction of the Tunis Medjez el bab Oued Zarga motorway (Lot n ° 3)
In particular earthworks, engineering structures, pavements, drainage, equipment, signage, etc .... over a total length of the route of 17.200Km
- 1 Exchanger
- 1 Full-lane toll barrier
- 34 hydraulic structures (including 1 B.A bridges of 66 ml and 1 prestressed concrete bridge of 99 ml)
- 7 Structures including 5 on deep foundations (bored piles).
The main quantities
- Landfill or landfill: 5,360,000 m3
- Loan for backfill: 1,860,000 m3
- Gravel bitumen: 47,000 m3
- Bituminous concrete: 21,000 m3
- Concrete: 27,685 m3
- Concrete reinforcement: 3,505,000 Kg
- Prestressing reinforcement: 90,000 Kg